Versions Compared


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I. Introduction

Before you begin

II. Mark as paid installment manually

Before you begin


III. Make partial payment manually

Before you begin

Make partial payment


  1. Access to policy details → Payment schedule section → Access to an installment detail

  2. Click on the 3-dot icon

  3. Click on the Mark as paid button


  1. On the Make Payments dialog, you would need to choose the Payment Type


  1. With the selected payment type, there would be a list of fields that you need to input.

  2. The Payment Amount is required, and this is a field for identifying the payment amount of the transaction

    1. The payment amount must be in the valid range of the installment amount, which means you cannot input the amount that is out of the range

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  3. After finishing the input, you would need to tick the confirmation box

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  4. Then click on the Submit button to submit the payment

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  5. After making the payment successfully, the installment balance will be updated to reflect the new information

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Installment status changed

When your payment is not the full amount of the installment, the installment status will be updated to Export Confirmed


If your installment is fully collected, the status will be updated to Paid


If you installment is fully paid, but you cancel the received amount (payment amount inputted as negative amount), then the status will be updated to Export Confirmed