This is the place where you can create a quote.
Clicking on + Create on Quotes (Anonymous Quotes) page will start a quotation process.
Quotation process will go through these steps:
Step 1 - Select a Product
To select a product for creating quote, you need to select the Sales Channel first. Then click on the product.
Step 2 - Answer risk questions
After selecting the product, “Questions” page is shown (as below) with all questions defined in the product definition for that product. You need to answer to questions to get the price. The questions with red asterisk are required.
After answering all risk questions, you can click next to go to next step.
Step 3 - Review quote
On this step, you can review the quote:
Insurance Information:
Policy Term: insurance period
Expiry Date: the date that quote will expire
Previous Insurer: previous insurer of this insurance
Premium: displays the price breakdown
Cover Breakdown: displays the cover premium
On the left hand side, there is a quick view for your Cart. You can find the items and their premium and Total premium of all items in your cart there.
On this page, you can click on Generate Document to create the PDF document for your quote which you can view, download and email to your customer. The generated documents will be displayed under Quote Documents section on the right-hand side.
If you’re ok with the price, you need to click Accept to go to next step.
Step 4 - Acceptance
On this step, you can see your creating quote is put into the Cart under section Quotes Ready for Purchase.
You can add more quotes to cart by clicking on Up arrow next to the quote under section Other Available Quotes that you want to add. The selected quote will be put into the Cart. Your left Cart view will be also updated with the added quote.
When you’re ready to purchase, you need to click on Purchase button. This will lead to the screen where you need to select a customer for those quotes.
Step 5 - Purchase
On this popup, you can enter the customer name on the search box to quickly filter the list. Then select a customer and click Select button to attach the selected customer to quotes in the cart.
On next popup, you can select Payment Type and Payment Frequency and click OK to accept.
The next screen shows the purchase result. The successfully-created policies are displayed on the list. You can click on the policy reference to go to Policy Details.