You need to have the “Update accounts” permission to perform this action.
This action is to To adjust the information of an account, you can click on the below button in the Account List.
This action will open the Update Account form popup where you can adjust the information of the customeraccount. It contains the same information as you create a new account (https://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1770881616/Create+Account?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiM2Q2ZTM3OWQwZTQ3NDIyNjhiZDdlMGFhYTgxYWZjZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9).
You can't change the organization and the Org. No or NIN/ SSN of the customer account
The information that is mapping from the 3rd party will be editable or blocked based on the configuration Plugin Integrations