Change due date of an installment
1. Introduction
We will walk you through the process of overriding an installment due date. Overriding a due date can be helpful in certain situations when you need flexibility in managing your customer payments.
a. Before you begin
Before you proceed with overriding an installment due date, make sure you have the following information and requirements ready:
Your permission on Seamless
The feature is switched on (please contact our support team when you cannot see the action in your tenant)
A clear understanding of the new due date you'd like to set for your installment.
2. Overriding an Installment Due Date
Accessing the policy detail
Seamless portal → Accounts → your customer account → Policies tab → your selected policy
Navigate to the section where you can manage your installment payments.
Find the specific installment for which you wish to override the due date.
Click on the edit button at the installment you want to modify (please contact our support team when you cannot see the button in your tenant).
Pick your new due date and confirm the changes.
Seamless will show you a confirmation message to acknowledge the change.
After override the due date, your Accounting system will re-calculate the booking date
3. Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: Can I change the due date for any type of installment?
Only instalment that doesn’t have extract (as the 3rd installment in the picture) can be changed
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