Create/ Update Quotes

Create/ Update Quotes

1. Introduction

a. Before you begin

Users should have the following permissions:

  • View quotes

  • Sell quotes

2. Create a quote

  1.  Open an Account

  2. Navigate to the Quotes tab

  3. Click Create button

  4. Select a Product

    1. You can select Sales Channel to filter products by channel


  5. Fill out the Q&A form.

    1. The Next button is only enabled when all the mandatory fields are filled out with valid data.


  6. Click the Next button to proceed to the Quote Review page, which shows the premium and cover breakdown.

    1. Previous insurer: see Termination Letter

    2. Payment options that affect the premium calculation:Premium Calculation

    3. At this stage, you can input some discounts or loading factors to update the quote’s premium. You can see the details here Premium Calculation


  7. [Optional]
    Back button: back to the Q&A page
    Back to Quotes List button: back to Quote List page

  8. Click the Accept button, and the quote is added to the Quotes Ready for Purchase cart.
    Here, you can create another one without having to get back to the Quote List page. The other Products section provides quick access to the Q&A form.

    Notice that your quote will expire after a predefined period (e.g., 30 days in the image above). After this period, your quote will be changed to Expired and cannot be purchased.


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