DevOps Configuration
EKS ConfigMap needs to be updated to add CybersourceUnifiedCheckoutTargetOrigins. The value is the customer portal URLs.
Example: CybersourceUnifiedCheckoutTargetOrigins: https://quantum-preview.customer.seamless.insure,https://pentest-a.customer.seamless.insure
CyberSource Merchant Setup
We use the feature CyberSource Unified Checkout for our checkout functionality so the payment configuration should have Unified Checkout enabled in the CyberSource merchant account.
For more details about Unified Checkout, please visit this document page https://developer.cybersource.com/docs/cybs/en-us/digital-accept-flex/developer/all/rest/digital-accept-flex/uc-intro.html.
For more details about TMS, please visit this document pagehttps://developer.cybersource.com/docs/cybs/en-us/tms/developer/ctv/rest/tms/tms-overview.html.
Billing Provider Setup in Finance Setting
Run Environment: This is actually the API hostname. CyberSource provides a free sandbox environment for testing with the hostname apitest.cybersource.com.
Credentials: CyberSource requires MerchantId, Merchant API Key, and Shared Secret Key for API calls. CyberSource allows us to create free merchant accounts for sanbox the sandbox environment at https://developer.cybersource.com/hello-world/sandbox.html. After creating the merchant account, log in to the home page https://ebc2test.cybersource.com/ebc2/ and the credentials can be generated there at the section Generate Key.