You can update the name and the type of the question
You can view the rule of question name by clicking the [i] button
Notice that the question name must be unique, so it can’t be duplicated with other questions’ names
Question Types:
Date: general date input question.
Date of birth: specific question for inputting date of birth.
Decimal number: number with decimal
Lookup choice: dropdown selection question with items configured in lookup file. Its value will be used for referencing to another value in lookup file
Money: monetary number
Multiline text: free text question supporting multiline
Number: general number
Percentage: percentage format
Options: dropdown selection question with items can be defined on UI using “Create name and value pairs” section
Text: general text
Lookup Text: text question. Inputted value will be used for referencing to another value in lookup file
Year: Year input question
Yes/No question: Yes/No selection question
Calculated question: its value will be calculated based on other questions. Required to define Calculation strategy for this question.
Lookup source
This option only visible for the question type Lookup choice or Lookup text
Lookup source will be read from lookup table file uploaded to product builder. You will need to define lookup table file first.
This section only visible for the question type Options
This section is used to define dropdown values this Option question.
Each values will contain Name and Value.
Add option will add another set of Name & Value
Remove last option to delete the last set of Name & Value
Calculation strategy
This section only visible for the question type Calculated question
Used to define how the value for this question will be calculated
Supporting calculation strategies:
Its value will be the sum of all questions that are defined in this section.
Its value will be calculated by multiplying all questions that are defined in this section
Rounding: applicable rounding logic
No rounding
Round to 0 decimal (floor)
Round to 2 decimals
Round to 5 decimals
Its values will be calculated by dividing dividends with divisors
Rounding: applicable rounding logic
No rounding
Round to 0 decimal (floor)
Round to 2 decimals
Round to 5 decimals
Dividend: to define a constant dividend
Divisor: to define a constant divisor
Duration between two dates
Its values will be the duration between From Date and To Date
Rounding: applicable rounding logic
Round up
Round down
Unit: duration unit
Offset Days: final duration is offset by X days
Duration year between two dates
Its values will be the duration between From Date and To Date in years
Rounding: applicable rounding logic
Round up
Round down
Offset Days: final duration is offset by X days
Question value from lookup
Its values is calculated by referencing to a lookup table using value from another question
Question Key: QA tag of the question that is used for lookup
Lookup: lookup table
Value from another question
Its values will be retrieved from Value Question based on Base Question
Scoring calculation
Its values will be customer scores calculated using scoring algorithm
Require NIN question to be defined
Value from motor registration
Its values will be retrieved from motor registration service using vehicle registration number
Registration Question: define question used for inputting vehicle registration number
Property: define the property to retrieve value from motor registration service’s response
Return type: type of the retrieving property
Text (ie: owner name)
Decimal (ie: price)
Number (ie: mileage
Date (ie: registration date)
Yes/No question (ie: is stolen?)
Question properties
The question properties are changed based on the question type
Input required: the question is required or not. You can set the question as always required, or only require with conditions, or is an optional question
Default value: The default value of the question, your users can see this value when opening the product Q&A for the first time
Default value from customer: ?
Minimum length and Maximum length: the minimum and maximum value for numeric questions