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Table of Contents

I. Introduction

The Rules tab gives you the ability to view and update the rules of your product flexibility. Rules in a product can be validation or purchase constraints. The tab includes:

  • Rules - : All the rules of your product

  • Working on rule - : Rule details


II. Prerequisites 

You need to have the permission to View Products or Manage Products “View Products” or “Manage Products” to access this page.

III. Main screen

1. Rules list 

You can see the list of all rules in the product , and can refine the list and perform the actions on the list as well. 


a. Searching


and filtering rules

You can search the rules by title , and can filter the list by rule types (single trigger or multiple triggertriggers). Single A single trigger is a question that has only one trigger condition only, while multiple triggers is a question are questions that can be trigger triggered by multiple condition conditions.


b. Add rule

  • When you click the Add button, then you can start creating a new rule. All the required fields must be filled in, thus you can create a new question.

  • You can reference refer to the question detail details to see the guidance

c. Edit rule 

  • You can view and edit a rule by clicking on it its name

  • You can reference refer to the question detail details to see the guidance

d. Clone rule 

  • You can clone a rule by clicking on the [clone] button 

  • The cloned rule will have the “Clone” word at the end of the name, you can update the name but can’t rename it duplicate as the original question 

e. Remove rule 

  • You can remove a rule by clicking the [remove] button

  • You need to confirm the remove removal action before the system performed performs it. 

2. Rule detail 

The rule detail is opened when you click on the rule name. There are 3 sections in the detail block: main information, triggers, and proposed JSON 

a. Rule main information

  • Title: the text field , must be uniqued unique (can't duplicate be duplicated with other questions' names) and is a mandatory field

  • Severity level: there are 4 levellevels: low, medium, high, and blocking. The more higher the level, the more higher approver the approver’s level need needs to approve.

    • For example, the low level will need the approver level 1 to approve Rules with severity ranging from low to high are used as a purchase constraint

      • We use

      • high-level severity for

      • important questions

      • or cases (the sum insured is too high, the customer score

      is excess
      • exceeds the threshold, etc.) that need a high-level approver to review and approve before the customer can purchase the quote.

    • Rules with severity blocking are used as validation

      • You will choose the blocking option to abort the quotation. For example, users can't purchase the quote if they are younger than 18 years old.

  • Message: The message will be displayed when the rule is happened happens.

b. Triggers

Your rule will be triggered when the answer in your product's QA met one of these conditionconditions:


  • Question: dropdown list with all the questions in your product question list

  • Where: the condition to compare with

  • Value: the value to compare with the question. You can add a new value by clicking on the + button, and remove the value by clicking on the - button

Your rule can be triggered by one or multiple trigger conditions. To add a new trigger condition, you can click on the Add trigger button, and you can remove the unused condition by clicking the remove Remove button


c. Proposed JSON


This JSON is generated from the information above that you have updated