Clicking on the button “+ Create” located next to “Sales List”: see more details at Create Sales .
Action icon “Edit” (Pencil icon): see more details athttps://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1770946978/Edit+Sales?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYzZiZTEzZTk5MjlkNGEzOGE0N2I0NjRiN2NjMzlmZDciLCJwIjoiYyJ9.
Action icon “Delete” (Trash icon): see more details at https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/4tjmbNVy
Action icon “Notes” (Comment/Note icon): Directly create note for a sale, so you don’t need to select the “Related Records” in the form, see how to add a note here Create Note.
a. List View
This action allows you to switch to the Card view.
In this mode, you can only see the sales of a specific pipeline at a time. Hence, you will see a new pipeline filter when switching to this mode.
b. Quick Filter
This dropdown allows you to filter the sale list according to:
All sales: the sale list displays all sales in your organization
My sales: the sale list displays all sales for which you are set as Sales Rep.
c. Search & Filter
This provides more search criteria for the Account entity:
More info in https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/t6Dm0NAd.
d. Team in Sales
If your organization or sales department has multiple sales teams, you can indicate the owner team of a given sale by adding the Team to the Sale information. Below is an example.