Lookup: link to the Lookup file. The Lookup file is an excel file defining which answer of the risk question matches which factor value for tariff calculation.
You need to seed an initial Lookup file with all the necessary lookup sheets.
You can upload the new file to replace the current file.
Each sheet in the lookup file is used for one price premium factor. We call it “lookup sheet”.
Example of 1 lookup sheet content: includes these columns:
From (column A): defines the effective date of the factor value. This is used when you want to add a new factor value that will take effective from an exact date. This means when a policy is created with the start date which is on the date following this effective date, system will take this factor value for tariff calculation.
Context (column B): defines the partner using the factor value. This is used when you want to define different factor values for different partners so that your partners can get different competitive tariff.
Lookup options (column C): defines the list of answers/options of a risk question that drive different factor values in tariff calculation. In the example: question Occupation has 2 answer options: Yes and No.
List of covers (column D to G): the following columns after Context column defines the actual factor value for each cover.
Shared Lookup: link to the Agency Lookup file. The Agency lookup file is an excel file defining the common factor values shared and used among all products in the same tenant. If you want to update Shared Lookup, you need to do it in Product Settings. See more https://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1755643907/Product+Settings#PRODUCT-SETTINGS
List of lookup settings: On the left hand side panel, you can find the list of all product version lookup factor settings loaded from the Lookup file, click on one lookup factor, you will see the lookup factor settings on the right hand side panel.
Lookup ID
Lookup Name
Lookup Type
Type of the identity key in lookup
Type of the value in lookup
Does the lookup have a single cover column?
Covers column in the lookup