1. Introduction
This is the page where you can manage all sales of your customers in Seamless. Also, to track your sales stage which is defined in the corresponding pipeline.
To access the sale list, you should have the “View sales” permission.
The page can be accessed via the “Sales & Distribution” menu option.
2. Prerequisite
In order to access Sales module, you need to have permissions View Sales, Create Sales, Update Sales, Delete Sales to have full control.
3. Sale List
The Sale List provides you some information of the sales:
In the Sale List table, you can change the column order by dragging and dropping the column name. Additionally, you can select/deselect the columns to be displayed in the table via the column config option:
You can also perform the following actions:
Clicking on the button “+ Create” located next to “Sales List”: see more details at.
Action icon “Edit” (Pencil icon): see more details athttps://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1770946978/Edit+Sales?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYzZiZTEzZTk5MjlkNGEzOGE0N2I0NjRiN2NjMzlmZDciLCJwIjoiYyJ9.
Action icon “Delete” (Trash icon): see more details at https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/4tjmbNVy
Action icon “Notes” (Comment/Note icon): Directly create note for a sale (Similar to https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/DvtejLP0), so you don’t need to select the “Related Records” in the form, see how to add a note here Create Note.
4. List View
This action allows you to switch to the Card view.
In this mode, you can only see the sales of a specific pipeline at a time. Hence, you will see a new pipeline filter when switching to this mode.
5. Quick Filter
This dropdown allows you to filter the sale list according to:
All sales: the sale list displays all sales in your organization
My sales: the sale list displays all sales which you are set as Sales Rep.
6. Search & Filter
This provides more search criteria for the Account entity:
More info in https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/t6Dm0NAd.
When you change the quick filter or show/hide a column in the list, that change will be remembered for the next time log in with the same browser.
Columns in the table Sales List are configurable. If you would like to make changes to make the screen to be more aligned with your business, please contact your organization’s system admin or Contemi Support.