Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

On this page, you can configure Seamless to distribute payment schedules from policy start (current default) or the end date so that the “odd one out” happens to be the first one

  • [ST] Seamless empowers users to specify the allocation of residual amounts, offering the choice to apply it to either the first or final installment (Put Residual On Last Payment Instead Of First). Additionally, it provides a variety of settings enabling users to determine the due dates for installments, such as selecting a Preferred collection day and the option to Collect on Preferred Day Before Instalment Period. For more detailed information, visit

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2. Calculate Date Backwards


Define how installment periods are calculated for a given policy period.

For instance


, if a policy period 15.01.2022 - 31.12.2022

  • The option is No: then the installment periods will be from the start date + 30 days: 15.01-14.02, 15.02-14.03,


  • ,15.12-31.12


  • The option is Yes: then the


  • installment periods will be from the start date to the end of the month, even if your start date is the middle of the month


  • : 15.01-31.01, 01.02-28.02, 01.03-31.03,


  • ,01.12-31.12

3. Put Residual On Last Payment Instead Of First


Define where the residual amount should be allocated, and whether it should go towards the first or final installment.

For instance, when you have 122 kr and 12 installments, there would be 2 kr which cannot be equally distributed across all the installments.

  • The option is Yes: we will have 2 kr at the end of the month. The installment plan will be 10, 10, 10......12

  • If the option is No: the 2kr will be in the first month. The installment plan will be 12, 10, 10......10

4. Preferred collection day



The day on which the


installment due date should fall


each month. Default None means there is no preference. If there is


an installment period,


Seamless will


set up the due date to be the start date of the


installment period.

For example


, 15.01 - 14.02 will have 15th as the due date. However, if there is a preferred selection


of 1, the due date will be the 1.02


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5. Collect on Preferred Day Before Instalment Period


Used to set the installment due date always before the installment period.

These are 2 scenarios when using this configuration


The purchased policy


The configuration Collect on Preferred Day Before Instalment Period is turned on

The preferred collection day is 28

Grace period is 18

The policy period is 15/01/2023 - 31/12/2023

The policy is purchased on 01/01/2023, which is near the policy start date

  1. The first installment falls in the grace period so is due on 19/01/2023

  2. The subsequent installments are anticipated to be due on the 28th day of each month.

The policy period is 01/02/2023 - 31/12/2023

The policy is purchased on 01/01/2023, which is far the policy start date

  1. The first installment is expected to be due on January 28, 2023

  2. And the subsequent installments are anticipated to be due on the 28th day of each month.

6. Collect Adjustments immediately

The default option is Yes

  1. The option is Yes: Seamless will bundle all payments that are adjusting


  1. previous invoice payments and


  1. create a single transaction. This essentially concerns


  1. back-dated adjustments of already invoice


  1. installments.

7. Skip AdjustmentBundling


The default option is No.


  1. The option is Yes: the Collection Adjustments


  1. are superseded immediately.


  1. And it creates a separate adjustment for every adjusted period that has already been processed. Each adjustment transaction created will point to the transaction it is replacing



    1. Notice! If Skip Adjustment Bundling and Collect Adjustments immediately are No, there is no special processing for adjusted periods - meaning that they will be handled during normal distribution

8. Adjustment Bundling Threshold In Days


Applicable when adjustment


installments are created separately. (By setting SkipAdjustmentBundling as yes). For these


installments that are created, we need to set a due date. We will align this due date with any upcoming


installment within the configured number of days.

  1. For example, we are in 27/03 and an adjustment is created for 20.03-14.03.


  1. The due date of this will be aligned to the upcoming 15.03-14.04


  1. installment.

9. Minimum Unit Length In Days


This helps find the minimum no.of days that we should consider as one


installment period.

  1. For instance, if you have a policy 25.01 - 31.12, with monthly


  1. installment, and Calculate Date Backwards is yes, we will have installment periods for 25.01-31.01, 01.02-28.02, 01.03-31.03..... 01.12-31.12.

    1. If this is set to 5 days as an example, then we will have 25.01-31.01, 01.02-28.02, 01.03-31.03..... 01.12-31.12.

    2. If it is set to a standard of 15 days or so, we will have 25.01-28.02, 01.03-31.03...., 01.12-31.12

10. Merge Window in Days


Ideally, it should be set to 0 days. When we add some new


installments, or handling adjustments, based on this configuration, we will merge the amount with the next installment

11. Grace Period

The grace period is the minimum number of days you allow between the purchase of a policy and the first installment's due date.

Ideally, all installments should be due on the first day or the preferred day, depending on your configuration, like the preferred collection date. However, in situations where you buy a policy that is either backdated or very soon, you want to provide a buffer time before expecting the customer to make their first payment. This buffer is important because certain payment methods, like sending an invoice, might take some time to reach the customer.

12. Collect Tax Upfront

TBD (This setting is for Denmark. It is not applicable for other countries.)

13. Combine Items


14. Adjustment Round To Decimal Places


15. Non Regular Period


16. Invoice Submission Period In Days

Configure the number of days before the first installment due date so the invoice (positive installment) will be frozen and exported.

  1. For instance, the invoice submission period in days = 3. When the first installment due date is 04/01/2023, then the installment will be frozen and exported at 01/01/2023 (Booking on)

Frozen installment = the system will freeze the installment and won’t let the installment be changed.

17. Subsequent Invoice Submission Period In Days

Configure the booking on date, as number of days before the next installment due date so the invoice (positive installment) will be frozen and exported.

  1. For instance, the Subsequence invoice submission period in days = 3. When the second installment due date is 04/01/2023, then the installment will be frozen and exported at 01/01/2023 (Booking on)

18. Credit Submission Period In Days

Configure the number of days before the first installment due date so the credit (negative installment) will be frozen and exported.

  1. For instance, the Credit submission period in days = 3. When the first installment due date is 04/01/2023, then the installment will be frozen and exported at 01/01/2023 (Booking on)

19. Subsequent Credit Submission Period In Days

Configure the number of days before the next installment due date so the credit (negative installment) will be frozen and exported.

  1. For instance, the Subsequence credit submission period in days = 3. When the second installment due date is 04/01/2023, then the installment will be frozen and exported at 01/01/2023 (Booking on)

20. Minimum Waiting Period Before Procession In Hours


21. Debit Maximum Instalment Amount To Merge

Merge the adjustment installment to the next installment when the installment amount is <= the configuration


The purchased policy


The configuration Debit Maximum Instalment Amount To Merge is 10

The policy is MTA, and the premium is increased 10 NOK

  1. The adjustment installment is merged with


  1. the upcoming installment

The policy is MTA, and the premium is increased 30 NOK

  1. The adjustment installment is NOT merged with the upcoming installment

22. Credit Maximum Instalment Amount To Merge

Merge the credit adjustment installment to the next installment when the installment amount is <= the configuration


The purchased policy


The configuration Credit Maximum Instalment Amount To Merge is 10

The policy is MTA, and the premium is decrease -10 NOK

  1. The adjustment installment is merged with the upcoming installment

The policy is MTA, and the premium is decreased -30 NOK

  1. The adjustment installment is NOT merged with the upcoming installment