Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
1. Introduction
This tab defines if determines whether the product version will support Multiple Risks and specifies how the Multiple Risks these risks will be definedoutlined.
By default, a
newly created product version is
configured to handle only one insured object (Enable Handling Of Multiple Risks = No).
2. Set up multiple risks for a product
To enable Multiple Risks, you need to change Enable select the “Enable Handling Of Multiple Risks Risks” to Yes, then select choose the Type of Multiple Risks
Multiple risks with upload file without a custom period: This feature lets you easily input a list of insured objects into a spreadsheet, with the ability to establish a fleet policy covering up to 200 objects, all sharing the same policy period. Once you upload the file into the system, it will automatically import and process the details of your insured objects to calculate the premium.
Multiple risks with uploading files with a custom period: This feature lets you easily input a list of insured objects into a spreadsheet, allowing you to specify different periods for varying risks. Moreover, it provides the capability to set up a fleet policy with up to 200 objects. Once you upload the file into the system, it will automatically import and process the details of your insured objects to calculate the premium.
: This feature enables you to input a list of insured objects using repeating sections. Each new section, containing the same set of questions to capture individual object details, will be added manually for each insured object.
3. Multiple risks with uploading files without a custom period
Info |
To establish multiple risk setups with the uploaded file, kindly reach out to Contemi for the initial configuration. Currently, refrain from making any modifications to this setting if it already exists. |
When you select “Multiple risks with upload file”, these fields will be shown up
Field | Description |
UploadReference | Select the UploadReference Tag question. This is the question to select the upload file defined under the Questions tab. |
Custom Period For Insured Object | Default is unchecked. See Fleet policy with custom period |
PremiumReportingColumn | Name of Premium reporting column |
ErrorReportingColumn | Name of Error reporting column |
MinNumberOfRows: |
Minimum object (row) of a policy
| |
ErrorMessageForTableRows | An error message to be displayed when a user does not specify any insured object or tries to add more than 6 insured objects. |
ErrorMessageForTableStructure | An error message to be displayed when there is a missing object question (column) caused by incorrect upload file setup. |
Upload File Template | Upload Upload File Template to be used. This template will be displayed on a quote for a user to download and fill in the list of insured objects. |
a. Upload File Template
Example file: <TBD>
Upload File Template file must be in the xlsx format.
In the "Fleet" sheet, in the 1st row, it is mandatory to define all the questions related to insured objects as columns.
The title (i.e., display name) of each question should match those defined in the Questions tab.
The system will scan the first sheet and extract values from columns identified as insured object questions.
Any columns not designated as insured object questions will be disregarded by the system.
Each row (starting from row 2) should contain the details of an insured object.
You can put examples of insured object data in the following rows (from row 2).
For an insured object’s cover selector or cover premium columns: you need to define questions to include/exclude cover and define cover premium, then put those questions in SharedObjectModel or InsuredObjectModel section. See Advanced tab
You can use the Excel formula to look up or do calculations as normal.
You can add comments or notes to each column name to provide a description or guide on how to input value correctly.
You can add other sheets, following the 1st sheet to capture other information to store data for lookup.
If you want to change the Upload Template, you need to clone a new product version and attach the new Upload Template.
b. Using Upload File Template in a quote
When doing quotes, at the Questions step, you download the latest template from the link provided.
Open the file and fill in each insured object details on each row (from row 2).
Save the file.
Upload the file to the quote.
Click next to proceed with the quote.
c. Download and view the Result File
After you attach the Upload file containing a list of insured object details at the Quote - Questions step, Seamless will process the file to get insured object details for premium calculation. Then in the Review step of a quote or policy details, you can see and download the Result file under the section INSURED.
The Result file will contain all data specified in Upload file, including some more column data added by system after processing. For ex:
StartDate: effective start date of an object.
EndDate: end date of an object.
Identifier: the identifier is auto generated if identity questions are specified in product Json.
Reference: usually the same as Identifier.
TotalPrice: total object period premium.
TotalTax: total object period tax amount.
AnnualPrice: object annual premium.
AnnualTax: object annual tax amount.
System_Errors: if there is any validation raised for the data row, it will show a message here. You can know what data is wrong and then can fix the error.
4. Multiple risks with uploading files with a custom period
Open Seamless > Insurance > Product Builders
Choose a product that you want to set up > Choose a product version
Open the Multiple Risks tab > choose the custom period for the product
Choose the option Custom Period For Insured Object (1)
Choose the question tags for the Insured Object’s Start date (mandatory) and the Insured Object’s End date (optional) (2)
Choose the questions to map to the termination effective date and termination reason field (3)
These questions will help Seamless identify when an insured object is terminated
Define the name of the column that shows the policy premium (4)
Define the name of the column that shows the error message (5)
Define the minimum number of rows for a fleet policy
Define the error message for the number of row and the input of the file
Upload the sample template Excel file
Click the Save button to save the change
5. Multiple risks with repeating section
Info |
To setup multiple risks with repeating section, please contact Contemi to do the initial setup. At the moment, please do not modify anything in this setting if it’s existing. |
When you select “Multiple risks with repeating section”, these fields will be shown up:
RepeatingObjectReference: question tag name to be used for the object identifier/reference. It’s usually the Insured object name.
MinNumberOfRows: default value = 1. This means at least 1 insured object must be specified.
MaxNumberOfRows: the maximum number of objects that user can add to the quote.
ErrorMessageForTableRows: error message to be displayed when user does not specify any insured object or tries to add more than 6 insured objects.
ErrorMessageForTableStructure: error message to be displayed when there is a missing object question caused by incorrect product JSON setup.
6. Understand product JSON (Advanced users)
For multiple-risks product setup, there are three important JSON code blocks that you need to configure:
SharedObjectModel: define the Questions, IdentifyQuestions, PurchaseConstraints, CustomValidations that will be for policy level information.
InsuredObjectModel: define the Questions, IdentifyQuestions, PurchaseConstraints, CustomValidations that will be for insured object level information.
InsuredObjectModelStrategy: define the insured object model strategy. Use this InsuredObjectModel.CompositeInsuredObjectModelStrategy for multiple-risks product.
Example 1: JSON code block for Multiple Risks with Upload file
Code Block | ||
| ||
"InsuredObjectModel": {
"Questions": [
"$id": "VehicleRegistrationNumberTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.TextQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "VehicleRegistrationNumberTag",
"DisplayName": "Registration Number",
"MaxLength": 30,
"IsRequired": true
"$id": "MakeTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.TextQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "MakeTag",
"DisplayName": "Make",
"IsRequired": true
"$id": "ModelTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.TextQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "ModelTag",
"DisplayName": "Model",
"IsRequired": true
"$id": "TPLSelectorTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.TextQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "TPLSelectorTag",
"DisplayName": "Third party liability"
"$id": "TPLPremiumTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.DecimalQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "TPLPremiumTag",
"DisplayName": "TPLPremium"
"IdentityQuestions": [
"$ref": "MakeTag"
"$ref": "VehicleRegistrationNumberTag"
"PurchaseConstraints": [],
"CustomValidations": []
"SharedObjectModel": {
"Questions": [
"$id": "PolicyholderNameTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.TextQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "PolicyholderNameTag",
"IsRequired": true
"$id": "UploadReferenceTag",
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.UploadFileQuestionDefinition",
"TagName": "UploadReferenceTag",
"MaxSize": 100,
"AllowedExtensions": [
"IsRequired": true,
"IsRequiredForPriceCalculation": true
"IdentityQuestions": [
"$ref": "PolicyholderNameTag"
"PurchaseConstraints": [],
"CustomValidations": []
"InsuredObjectModelStrategy": {
"$type": "InsuredObjectModel.CompositeInsuredObjectModelStrategy",
"UploadReference": {
"$ref": "UploadReferenceTag"
"PremiumReportingColumn": "Premium",
"ErrorReportingColumn": "Errors",
"MinNumberOfRows": 2,
"ErrorMessageForTableRows": "Number of insured objects should be 2 at least.",
"ErrorMessageForTableStructure": "Missing '{0}' Column for {1}",
"EnableCustomPeriod": true,
"ProrataType": {
"$type": "ProrataType.Annual365DistributionStrategy"
} |
Example 2: JSON code block for Multiple Risks with Repeating section
Code Block | ||
| ||
"InsuredObjectModel": { "Questions": [ { "$id": "CommodityTypeTag", "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.LookupChoiceQuestionDefinition", "TagName": "CommodityTypeTag", "SourceLookup": { "$ref": "CommodityType" }, "IsRequired": true }, { "$id": "SumInsuredTag", "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.DecimalQuestionDefinition", "TagName": "SumInsuredTag", "IsRequired": true }, { "$id": "PremiumTag", "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.DecimalQuestionDefinition", "TagName": "PremiumTag", "IsRequired": true } ], "IdentityQuestions": [ { "$ref": "CommodityTypeTag" } ], "PurchaseConstraints": [], "CustomValidations": [] }, "SharedObjectModel": { "Questions": [ { "$id": "TypeOfTransitTag", "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.LookupChoiceQuestionDefinition", "TagName": "TypeOfTransitTag", "IsRequired": true, "SourceLookup": { "$ref": "TypeOfTransit" } }, { "$id": "VoyageExpectedDateTag", "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.DateQuestionDefinition", "TagName": "VoyageExpectedDateTag", "IsRequired": true }, { "$id": "InsuredInfoTag", "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.RepeatingQuestionDefinition", "TagName": "InsuredInfoTag", "IsRequired": true } ], "IdentityQuestions": [ { "$ref": "TypeOfTransitTag" } ], "PurchaseConstraints": [], "CustomValidations": [] }, "InsuredObjectModelStrategy": { "$type": "InsuredObjectModel.CompositeInsuredObjectModelStrategy", "RepeatingObjectReference": { "$ref": "InsuredInfoTag" }, "MinNumberOfRows": 1, "MaxNumberOfRows": 6, "ErrorMessageForTableRows": "At least one insured objects, up to a maximum of 6", "ErrorMessageForTableStructure": |
"Error in Product Setup"
} |