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Clicking on + Create on First Notice of Loss (FNOL) page will open Create First Notice of Loss popup. This popup get


You need to go through these steps in order to register a FNOL case:

  1. Select the Organization, where you want to register the FNOL case in.

  2. Enter the Case Title, which is the short and memorable title for the FNOL case.

  3. Select Workflow, which defines the steps that need to be taken for the FNOL case. We have one built-in FNOL workflow that you can choose to use immediately. See more Configure FNOL Workflow

  4. Search and attach Related Records to the FNOL case. For FNOL case, it’s usually the Account that provides FNOL or the Claim registered after the FNOL is approved. For example:

  5. Enter the Description

  6. Select the Due date to complete this FNOL case.

  7. Add to Queue

  8. Give Priority

  9. Select person who will process the FNOL case in Assigned To field.

  10. Finally, click Save button to complete the FNOL case registration. The new FNOL case will be displayed on the top of the FNOL List.


To edit FNOL case information, you can click on Edit button of one FNOL case in the First Notice of Loss (FNOL) List or click on Edit button in a specific FNOL details tab.




It will show a popup for you to update FNOL case information.


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