“Claim Settings” is the place to manage all configurations that are used in Claim module. They are:
You need to have permission to Manage Claim Settings to access to this page.
Access to Claim Settings
To access to Claim Settings, please click on Cogwheel icon and select Module Configuration.
On Global Setting page, select Seamless Claims module in the list.
On Seamless Claims tab, select Settings of Claims.
It will open the Claim Settings page.
Claim Settings has several tabs:
Claim Types: defines types of injury / damage.
Cause Types: defines reasons that caused injury / damage. A claim type can have several cause types.
Claim Elements: defines purposes of a payment.
Document Checklists: defines the list of necessary document types that a customer needs to provide for their claims on a specific product.
Mapping: defines the relation among Product, Cover, Claim Type, Cause Type. Claim Type and Cause Type are used for leveling claim transaction details.
Limit Groups: defines the different limit levels that groups of users can perform on claim transactions.