This kind of transaction is specific for Norway.
RTV (refusjon av trygdeutgifter ved yrkesskade og yrkessykdommer) is reimbursement of social security expenses in the event of occupational injuries and diseases. See more
According to Norwegian law, some workers compensation covers have RTV required so Reserves and Payments made on those covers need to be marked as RTV required so that the insurance company can collect the RTV amount to comply with the law. RTV amount = 1.2 * original transaction amount (1.2 is RTV rate which has been fixed for some years until now).
User needs permission CLAIM_CREATE_TRANS (See Claim Permissions) to add a RTV transaction.
Add RTV Reserve
On Claim Transactions tab of one claim, click create Reserve. Add Reserve popup will display:
On Add Reserve popup, besides required information, you need to select Add RTV checkbox to tell system that you need to Add RTV reserve for this transaction.
After the reserve transaction is saved, RTV reserve transaction will be create automatically with amount = Reserve amount * 1.2.
Add RTV Payment
On Claim Transactions tab of one claim, click add Payment against one row in Consolidated View. Add Payment popup will display: