“Quotes” is the module to manage quotes that are not created for any specific customers (known as anonymous quotes).
When clicking on the menu “Quotes”, all quotes will be displayed, as shown in Quote List.
You need to have permission to Sell Quotes to access to this page.
Quote List
QUOTE LIST lists all the quotes that have been created in your tenant.
On Quote List, you can:
See the list of quotes that have been created. Each quote has these information:
Reference: a unique ID to identify the quote. You can search for a quote by this number.
Description: a short summary about the quote, usually insured object name.
Product: product from that the quote is created from.
Policy Term: insurance period.
Premium: premium for the insurance period.
Sales Person: user who sells this quote.
Organization: the organization that the quote is created in. This is customer’s organization.
Status: current status of the quote to indicate where the quotation progress is.
Create quote: create a new anonymous quote. See Creating Quote.
Delete quote: delete a quote.
View Quote Details: click on quote reference number to see Quote Details. See