The Questions tab gives you the ability to view and update your product questions flexibility. The tab includes:
Available questions - All the questions of your product
Working on questions - Question detail
You need to have permission to View Products or Manage Products to access this page.
Main screen
Question list
You can see the list of all questions in the product, and can refine the list and perform the actions on the list as well.
Searching & filtering questions
You can search the question by question tag, and can filter the list by question type
Add a question
After enter the question name and click the Add button, then you can start creating a new question. All the required fields must be filled in, thus you can create a new question.
You can reference to the question detail to see the guidance
Edit question
You can view and edit a question by clicking on the question name
You can reference to the question detail to see the guidance
Clone question
You can clone a question by clicking on the [clone] button
The cloned question will have the Clone word at the end of the name, you can update the name but can’t rename it duplicate as the original question
Remove question
You can remove a question by clicking the [remove] button
You need to confirm the remove action before the system performed
Question detail
The question detail is opened when you click on the question name. There are 5 sections in the detail block: main information, lookup source, common question properties, conditional question behaviours, and proposed JSON
Question main information
You can update the name and the type of the question
You can view the rule of question name by clicking the [i] button
Notice that the question name must be unique, so it can’t be duplicated with other questions’ names
Lookup source
This option only visible for the question type Lookup choice
You can select the lookup that is suited to this question, and all the values of the question will be got from this lookup
Question properties
The question properties are changed based on the question type
Input required: the question is required or not. You can set the question as always required, or only require with conditions, or is an optional question
Default value: The default value of the question, your users can see this value when opening the product Q&A for the first time
Default value from customer: ?
Minimum length and Maximum length: the minimum and maximum value
Conditional question behaviours
There are 2 parts to this section: the behavior and the condition
You can define one or multiple behaviours for your question as the predefined list
Show when value of other field is: the question will be shown when other question(s) satisfy conditions
Hide when value of other field is: the question will be hidden when other question(s) satisfy conditions
Disable when value of other field is: the question will be disabled when other question(s) satisfy conditions
Set value when value of other field is: the question value will be set as defined when other question(s) satisfy conditions
Populate from other field : the question value will be filled-in when another question is answered. The filled-in value is defined in the AgencyLookup file, in the Product Settings
Clear dependent values: other questions values will be cleared when the question is cleared
When choosing a behaviour, the corresponding condition will be displayed below
For the behaviour a, b, c, d: You can set one or multiple conditions, each condition will have 3 fields: question, where clause, and value. You can input any value in the Value field
For the behaviour e: You can define the condition question, and the lookup name. The lookup name must be matched with a sheet in the AgencyLookup file
For the behaviour f: You can define one or multiple questions, so when users clear the question, then these defined questions’ values will be cleared either.
Proposed JSON
This JSON is generated from the information above that you have updated