“Product Builder” is the module to manage insurance products which includes building new products, launching new products, or creating new product versions,...
When clicking on the menu “Product Builder”, all products should be displayed, as shown below.
Product List
Product Details
Clicking on product name would open up a new tab with product details:
On the Product Details, you can:
See the list of Product Versions that have been created. Each Product Version has these information:
Action: Clone this version
Version: Version number. The version is Active is the version used for sales. Only one version can be active at a time. To activate a version, see ?
Description: Short description about the version
Created date: Date that version is created
Status: Current status
Published: version is fully updated, ready for sales. Once a version is published, you cannot modify it anymore. If you need to change something, you need to Clone to the new version and make changes then.
Draft: version is in editing mode.
Add Product Version: see ?
Clone Product Version: see ?
Click on Product Version link in Version column to navigate to Product Version details.
If the product is currently available for sales, a green notification would be displayed on the top of the page “This product is active and available for sales.” - as shown above and the active version is highlighted.