Seamless integrates with many 3rd-party providers in multiple areas. Please find the list below to get the information on the provider that you need
1. Accounting provider
a. Tripletex
b. Business Central
c. SoftRig / Uni Economy
2. Billing provider / Payment gateway
a. CyberSource
Seamless supports CyberSource - a global payment gateway and fraud management solution provider - so you can allow your customer to perform only payment securely and efficiently, as well as collect recurring payments automatically for their policy payment
Related pages
b. WayToBill
Seamless supports payment frequencies with WayToBill integration: Annually, Bi-annually, Quarterly, Monthly
3. Motor Registry provider
a. TFF
Seamless supports Norwegian insurance companies to connect, get vehicle information, and send requests to TFF (Trafikkforsikringsforeningen) - Norwegian Traffic Insurance Association - when purchasing or terminating a policy. If you are a business in Norway, this section is for you.
Related pages
b. VTR
Seamless supports Swedish insurance companies to connect, get vehicle information, and send requests to VTR (Vägtrafikregistret) - Swedish Road Traffic Registry managed by the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) - when purchasing or terminating a policy. If you are a business in Sweden, this section is for you.
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