Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Line List
Phone line is the phone number of your call center that customer will dial in when they want the support.
See the list of phone numbers that are available for your call center. Each line has these information:
Name: Short name of the phone line.
Phone number: Phone number of the call center.
Description: Description of the phone line.
Created Date: Date and time that the phone line is created.
Updated Date: Date and time that the phone line is updated.
Status: current phone line status. Phone line can have one of these status:
Active: this means line will be used for call center. Agents can connect to the phone line and receive the calls to the phone line or make outgoing calls to customers using this phone line .
Inactive: this means line can’t be used for call center. You can update phone line status to Inactive if you don’t want to make or receive calls using this phone line.
Create a new phone line: see https://seamlessinsure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/8296541/Telephony+Settings#b.-Create-a-new-Phone-Line
Edit an existing phone line: see https://seamlessinsure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/8296541/Telephony+Settings#b.-Edit-an-existing-Phone-Line
Delete an existing phone line: see https://seamlessinsure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/8296541/Telephony+Settings#c.-Delete-an-existing-Phone-Line
Create a new Phone Line
On Line List, click “+ Create“ button, it will show the pop-up to add a new phone line.
After you’re done with required information, you need to click Save to accept. The new phone line will be created and displayed on the Line List.
Edit an existing Phone Line
On Line List, click on Edit button of one phone line. It will show Update Line popup where you can update the phone line information.
After you’re done with required information, you need to click Save to accept the changes. The changes will be reflected in the Line List.
Delete an existing Phone Line
On Line List, click on Delete button of one phone line. It will show a confirmation.