Claim reference with insured object name
Claim status: current state of the claim. Can be Registered, Open, or Closed.
Claim Handler: name of the person who handles the claim.
Product: name of the policy that the claim is made on
Organization: name of the organization that the claim is made in
Reported Date: date that the claim is reported
Date of Loss: date that the claim happens
Account Name, Phone number, Email, NIN/Org. No.…: policyholder / customer information
Outstanding Reserve: Total Outstanding Reserve (Indemnity/Expense)
Payment: Total Payment (Indemnity/Expense)
Recovery: Total Recovery Estimated
Received: Total Recovery Received
Created date and user name
Last updated date and user name
Policy Information
In this box, you can find the very basic information about the policy that is effective on Date of Loss: