There are several sections which are provided out of the box and default available for all products . Surely, you can customize these sections for your own claim system (See https://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1761935570/Claim+Form+Layout#%E2%80%9CClaim-form%E2%80%9D-layout). For example (the screenshot above):
Claimant: where you fill in claimant information. Claimant information can be copied from Policyholder.
Claim Details: contains some basic questions about the current claim.
Previous Claim Details: contains some basic questions about the previous claim history.
Others: contains questions to get other claim information.
Basically, the content structure in Claim tab has three parts as the following:
1st part is questions about Claimant.
2nd part is generic claim questions which are not specific to any products (means all products will have these claim questions). See https://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1761935570/Claim+Form+Layout#%E2%80%9CClaim-form%E2%80%9D-layout
3rd part is claim questions which are specific to the product of the claim. See https://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1761935570/Claim+Form+Layout#Configure-Product-specific-layout
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