Name (by clicking on the Workflow Name, you will be redirected to the corresponding Workflow Details page)
Effective start date
Effective end date
Update date
Create Workflow
You need to have the “Create workflows” permission to see this button.
This action is to open the Create Workflow form popup where you can create a new workflow.
To create a new workflow, you need to fill all mandatory information which is marked with asterisk in the form.
Edit Workflow
You need to have the “Update workflows” permission to see this button.
This action is to open the Update Workflow form popup where you can adjust information of the workflow.
Delete Workflow
You need to have the “Delete workflows” permission to see this button.
This action is to completely delete a workflow. Before processing this action, you need to confirm via a Confirmation dialog.
Activate Workflow
This action is to activate a workflow. After a workflow is activated, this button will be displayed as: