In Motor Registry Settings page, users can set up GTR Posting in the system to load GTR requests from a defined location, so that users will know which actions the Carrier (Gjensidige) would like them to process and take appropriate actions.
Users should have:
Feature switch “Swedish Motor Registry Postings Batch”
“Manage motor registry settings” permission in order to access and manage settings on this page.
And with FakeSwedishAuto and GTR integration will show section GTR Posting settings screen
Manual Postings:
Instead of loading Postings from a server by “Automatic Postings”, users need to upload a file (*.txt) inside the update credentials pop-up and display in Posting in “Motor Registry Postings” screen.
Automatic Postings:
GTR connection: SFTP will import a file (as though automating the manual upload), and trigger Motor Registry Postings.
After finishing Posting, new posting records will be shown in “Motor Registry Postings” page: