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Seamless offers a functionality that allows users to change payment option for an active policy. Users should be able to perform this action if the user’s role has For example, when purchasing the policy, the policyholder decided to go for one-off payment. However, later on, he changes his mind and would like to go for monthly installment.

Notes: this feature is only available if your company is using “Payment Options” with Seamless.

In order to perform the action, your user’s role needs to have permission “Change payment option at policy level”.

If the user has granted a permission to change policy payment optionOnce you have permission granted, in policy details, when scrolling down to section “Payment Schedule”, users with permissions can you should be able to see the current payment option with the edit icon.


By default, you can see the payment option that was selected when purchasing the policy. When you click on “Edit” icon, you should be able to see available payment options that you can change.

For example:


  • Autogiro månad" is the payment option name for monthly installment.

  • Helårsfaktura" is the payment option name for annual payment.

  • When purchasing the policy, the customer chose “Autogiro månad".

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Given: the current policy payment option is “Autogiro månad".

When: the customer would like to change to the option “Helårsfaktura", and you are acting on behalf of the customer’s selection.

Then: the system will do the following tasks:

  • Get a confirmation from you that payment option will be changed from Autogiro månad to Helårsfaktura.

  • Once you confirm, the payment schedule should be re-generated.

    • It will take a little time to process,

    • Once it is done, the policy detail screen will be refreshed, and the new payment schedule will be shown.

  • For extracted installments,

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See also

Setup Payment option title: