Default Currency: the default currency. You can choose any currency in the dropdown list.
Preferred Currency Decimal Places: choose the number of decimal of your premium.
Decimal place 0 => the premium will be 1 000
Decimal place 1 => the premium will be 1 000,1
Decimal place 2 => the premium will be 1 000,09
Currency Decimal Separator: the way you want to sperate your decimal: dot or comma
Currency Thousand Separator: the way you want to separate your thousand premium: space, dot, or comma
Currency Symbol Placement Of Negative Numbers: the place you want to show the negative premium currency in the premium: before or after the amount
Before amount: $ -1 000 000
After amount: -1 000 000 $
Currency Symbol Placement Of Positive Numbers: the place you want to show the positive premium currency in the premium: before or after the amount
Before amount: $ 1 000 000
After amount: 1 000 000 $
Default Display Currency: select a currency to be default display currency
Preferred Number Decimal Places: 0-5 decimals
Number Decimal Separator
Comma: 1,25
Point: 1.25
Number Thousand Separator
Blank: 1 000 000
Comma: 1,000,000
Period: 1.000.000
Note: Decimal Separator and Thousand Separator should be different to each other.
Mailing service
Automatic Sender Email: mailbox that will be used as sender for emails from Seamless
Bcc Mailbox For Automatic Emails: mailbox that will be in Bcc for all automatic emails sent from Seamless
Current supporting languages:
You can upload your logo here.
It will be used to display on Seamless