Name: Short name of the queue (required).
Owner: select a person who owns the queue (required).
Description: Description of the queue (optional).
Strategy: select the routing strategy (required)
Simultaneous: incoming calls will be routed to all queue-connected and Available-status agents simultaneously. All agents will see the incoming call ringing popup. If any agent picks up the call, the others will be hanged up.
Round Robin: incoming calls will be routed to the first queue-connected and Available-status agent that is currently idle. If that agent does not answer, the call will be hanged up after the configured “Phone call standard ring time” (see https://seamlessinsure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/8296541/Telephony+Settings#General-Settings).
Wrap-Up Time (Minutes): number of minutes used for wrap-up task (required). This configuration tells the system how long the status “Wrap-Up” will be set automatically to an agent after a call is ended. During Wrap-Up time, calls will be not routed to an agent. After this period of time, agent status will be reset to “Available” and calls can be routed to an agent.
Name: Short name of the queue (required).
Owner: select a person who owns the queue (required).
Description: Description of the queue (optional).
Strategy: select the routing strategy (required)
Simultaneous: incoming calls will be routed to all queue-connected and Available-status agents simultaneously. All agents will see the incoming call ringing popup. If any agent picks up the call, the others will be hanged up.
Round Robin: incoming calls will be routed to the first queue-connected and Available-status agent that is currently idle. If that agent does not answer, the call will be hanged up after the configured “Phone call standard ring time” (see https://seamlessinsure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/8296541/Telephony+Settings#General-Settings).
Wrap-Up Time (Minutes): number of minutes used for wrap-up task (required). This configuration tells the system how long the status “Wrap-Up” will be set automatically to an agent after a call is ended. During Wrap-Up time, calls will be not routed to an agent. After this period of time, agent status will be reset to “Available” and calls can be routed to an agent.
Select a user in the list.
Cick Click button
The new member will be listed in the below list.