This screen will provide you with a list of policies that are available or meet conditions to be renewed. It also shows some essential policy information and more importantly, the link to its renewal quote.
The list is ordered by the original policy End date ascendingly, so you should process on those policies that are on the top of the list first because they (renewal quotes) will be expired soon.
Users with permission to Activate policy / MTA policy / Renew policy / Terminate policy will be able to access the Upcoming Renewal list.
Upcoming Renewals List
In order to access the Upcoming Renewal list, you should click on the menu “Insurance”, and then choose the sub-menu “Upcoming Renewals”.
After clicking on the sub-menu “Upcoming Renewals”, the list should display policies that satisfy the following conditions:
Policies that have End dates before today or today.
Policies' status is NOT “Renewed”, “Terminated”, “Pending Termination”, and “Pending Renewal Inception”
There are some embedded hyperlinks that can help you to navigate around:
Account: this hyperlink redirects you to the policyholder’s detail page.
Reference: this hyperlink redirects you to the original policy’s detail page.
Renewal quote: this hyperlink redirects you to the renewal quote of the policy that is presented in this Renewal List.