This tab includes information about the product version, such as description, lookup file, currency, product commission, sales commission, and line of business (used for the MGA Binder feature).
Description: a short description of the product version
Currency: Each product can only have one currency. Seamless currently supports up to 11 currencies, which are: AUD, CAD, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, SEK, SGD, USD, and VND.
When creating a new product version from scratch, the currency field is auto-selected or defaulted to the default currency that is configured in tenant settings.
When cloning or copying from an existing product version, the currency field is copied from the source product version and is not affected by tenant settings.
Payment options: the payment options that can be used with the product. The options that are not defined in the product version can’t use when purchasing a quotation
You can define up to 30 options per product
Each product can have a % discount. This field is required. When you don’t want to define the % discount for a payment option then you can set it as 0
You can add a new option by the Add button, or remove by the Remove button
When all the payment options are added in your product version then the Add button will be removed
Product commission (%): defines the default percentage at Product Commission that you can adjust during the quotation process.
For product commission settings: Product commission configuration
Sales commission (%): defines the default percentage at Sales Commission that you can adjust during the quotation process.
Line of business: defines the line of business that the product version belongs to (used for the MGA Binder feature).
End date handling scheme: defines the scheme of the renewal date. Two options:
Annual: with this option, the next renewal date will be the date after the previous end date plus one year.
Renewal Date Alignment: with this option, you need to specify the date and the month that you want to align the next renewal date for a customer.