Policy Actions & Warnings allows you to see the warnings to be aware of and actions to be taken.
To go to Policy Actions & Warnings, please navigate to menu Insurance.
You need permission to view Policies to access this feature.
Policy Actions & Warnings List
The list will show all policies having outstanding actions and warnings on:
Motor registry
Policy document
Termination letter
Each row is the policy, has the following information:
Policy reference: click to see policy details
Product: name of product
Description: description of the policy
Period: policy period
Number of actions: click to see policy details
Earliest action date
Latest action date
Notes: You need to go to policy details to see the detailed warnings and actions on that policy, and also take action there if it’s applicable (the action can be retried and you have sufficient permissions).
Clear warnings
On Policy Actions & Warnings list, if you have permission to clear policy warnings, you will see this action icon.
Click on Clear warnings action, it will show a confirmation below.
If you click Yes, this action will remove the policy item in the list, but not actually clear/remove warnings from the policy. This only means you already acknowledged the issue. To resolve the outstanding issue, you need to view policy details and take action there if it’s applicable.
Warning indicator on Policy list
If a policy has warnings / actions, there will be a small indicator on Policy list as below.