Customer Credit check

Customer Credit check

  1. Credit checks for consumer (personal customer)

  • URL:


(We can replace {{ssn}} with SSN (Org. No) of customer on Seamless)

  • Params:

forceNew=true: always call credit API to check

forceNew=false (or undefined):

+ If this customer hasn’t been previously checked, API will proceed a call to CREDITSAFE.

+ If this customer has been previously checked, API will proceed a call to CREDITSAFE if and only if the period is expired.

  • Method: POST

  • Header:

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}


  • Postman example (please see it on the attachments):

Credit checks for consumer



  1. Credit checks for company

  • URL:


(We can replace {{ssn}} with SSN (Org. No) of customer on Seamless)

  • Method: POST

  • Header:

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer {{accessToken}}


  • Postman example (please see it on the attachments):

Credit checks for company


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