Add Recovery
You need to add reserve & payment transaction first before adding recovery/recovery received later. See Add Payment
If not, it will show error:
Add Recovery
To add a recovery, please click on Add Recovery button of one row in Consolidated View on Claim Transactions tab.
It will show Add Recovery popup where you can input the recovery transaction information.
You need to provide:
Transaction Information:
Type: transaction type. Can be Salvage or Subrogation.
Cover: cover that you want to make transaction against. This is auto prefilled.
Claim Type: type of the injury / damage. This is auto prefilled.
Cause Type: cause of the injury / damage. This is auto prefilled.
Claim Element: purpose of reserve/payment. This is auto prefilled.
Amount: recovery amount. Can be positive or negative depending on your permission.
Description: short notes about the transaction.
Recipient Information: this section records the person who you will request for the recovery amount.
Copy from Claimant: if you want to have Recipient information prefilled from Claimant information, you can click on this button. The claimant information will be copied to Recipient.
OR Select from Recipient List (See Recipient Management). When you select an existing recipient from the list, system will automatically populate recipient information into claimant fields.
Type: recipient type. Can be Person or Company.
If type is Person, the following info should be provided:
First Name: first name of the recipient
Last Name: last name of the recipient
If type is Company , the following info should be provided:
Company Name
Representative Name
NIN / Organization No.: identity of the recipient If you enter NIN/Org. No. into NIN / Organisation No. field and click on Magnifier icon, system will try to search for the account with that NIN/Org. No.. If there is a matching account, it will show a confirmation. If you select Yes, the account information will be populated into claimant fields.
Address: address of the recipient
Postcode: Postcode of the recipient
City: City of the recipient
Country: Country of the recipient
Phone Number: phone number of the recipient
Email Address: email address of the recipient
Add to Recipient List: if Select from Recipient List dropdown has no value, you can tick this option to add recipient to shared Recipient List.
Update to Recipient List: if Select from Recipient List dropdown has value, you can tick this option to update current recipient info to the selected Recipient.
After you’re done with required recovery transaction information, you need to click Save to accept creating new recovery transaction. If the recovery transaction is saved successfully, it will be displayed on the top in the Detailed View of Claim Transactions tab. Also, the Consolidated View will be updated with the new Total value.
Once a recovery transaction is added, you cannot modify or delete that recovery transaction. If you want to adjust the recovery, please create a compensating recovery transaction. See
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