Users with “View system settings” permission can access the page in read-only mode.
In order to update the settings, they must have “Manage system settings” permission.
System settings
On this page, you can config the settings of your Seamless. The settings will be applied to these services:
You can config the Date format and Time format of the system. The system already defines the format types, you can choose on the dropdown. When you change the settings, all the dates and times in the system will be changed to the new format.
Currency and numbers
Default Currency: the default currency. You can choose any currency in the dropdown list.
Preferred Currency Decimal Places: choose the number of decimal of your premium.
Decimal place 0 => the premium will be 1 000
Decimal place 1 => the premium will be 1 000,1
Decimal place 2 => the premium will be 1 000,09
Currency Decimal Separator: the way you want to sperate your decimal: dot or comma
Currency Thousand Separator: the way you want to separate your thousand premium: space, dot, or comma
Currency Symbol Placement Of Negative Numbers: the place you want to show the negative premium currency in the premium: before or after the amount
Before amount: $ -1 000 000
After amount: -1 000 000 $
Currency Symbol Placement Of Positive Numbers: the place you want to show the positive premium currency in the premium: before or after the amount
Before amount: $ 1 000 000
After amount: 1 000 000 $
Default Display Currency
Preferred Number Decimal Places
Number Decimal Separator
Number Thousand Separator