This section gives you all information of the sale. Besides, you can also perform following actions:
You need to have the “Update sales” permission to see this button.This action is to open the Update Sale form popup where you can adjust information of the sale (Similar to https://contemi.atlassian.net/wikil/spaces/SHC/pages/1758167045/Sales#Edit-Salec/GynU9SkA).
Make a call
This action allows you to directly call the Company Phone number of the customer. If the customer has other contacts, all the contacts’ phone number will also appear here.
Create note
You need to have the “Create notes” permission to see this button.This action allows you to directly create a note for the currently viewing sale (Similar to https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/DvtejLP0), so you don’t need to select the “Related Records” in the form.