Checklist general information
Organization: organization that handling this checklist (tenant, child organizations)
Name: checklist name
Status: default as Draft during checklist creation
Deadline: the final date that the target group members need to complete the checklist
Target group: select applicable target group from list of created Target Groups
Product: define that this checklist will send to group members who are having an Active policy of the specified Product
Example: Car Insurance is selected. System will only send the checklist to group members who are having an active Car Insurance policy
Email template: template used for sending this checklist (Document Template)
Descriptions: free text descriptions to describe purposes and notes for this checklist
Note: Don’t forget to click Save button on your bottom-left corner to record all your changes (including checklist items)
Checklist item info:
Name: display name of this item
Descriptions: guidance for completing this item
Sample of a checklist with 2 items
Complete a Checklist
Click on Complete button at the bottom-left corner to validate and complete the checklist
Completion can also be triggered on Checklist List for a specific checklist
Note: after a checklist is completed. You will not be able to update it.