


Checklist is a list of items to be fulfilled. You can send the check list to a specific target group. This will help to remind your customers to do a list of specific tasks.


Checklist component must be enable for your tenant and it is required to have permission related to checklist to start working on it.

Customer Portal should be available for receiving and updating Checklists from Seamless.

Checklist permissions:

  • Create Checklist: allow you to create a checklist

  • Delete Checklist: allow you to view delete button to remove an existing checklist

  • View Checklist: allow you to view checklist

  • Update Checklist: allow you to edit an existing checklist

  • Send Checklist: allow you to send completed checklists to target groups

Checklists List

Applicable information displayed on checklists list:

  • Action: a list of actions can be taken for this checklist. Number of actions is depend on the current status of the checklist.

    • Checklist actions according to status:

      • Draft: Edit, Complete, Delete, Clone

      • Completed: Clone, Sent

      • Sent: Clone

    • Action:

      • Edit: open checklist in edit mode

      • Complete: check validation and confirm the checklist is completed

      • Sent: trigger system to send checklists to all applicable members in the target group

      • Delete: remove the checklist

      • Clone: create a new checklist with the same data from the selected checklist

Search & Filter

This provides more search criteria for the Checklist entity:

  • Name

  • Target Group

  • Status

  • Product

If multiple search criteria are selected/input, the system will combine all the criteria and search for the checklists that have corresponding attributes matching/containing the search values.

More info in https://contemi.atlassian.net/l/c/t6Dm0NAd.

If you would like to request an article, drop us a mail at seamless.support@seamless.insure

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