This tab displays the form that you can put in details about the claim. This form can be customized for specific products. See Claim Form Layout.
There are several sections which are provided out of the box and default available for all products . Surely, you can customize these sections for your own claim system (See For example (the screenshot above):
Claimant: where you fill in claimant information. Claimant information can be copied from Policyholder.
Claim Details: contains some basic questions about the current claim.
Previous Claim Details: contains some basic questions about the previous claim history.
Others: contains questions to get other claim information.
Basically, the content structure in Claim tab has three parts as the following:
1st part is questions about Claimant. See
2nd part is generic claim questions which are not specific to any products (means all products will have these claim questions). See
3rd part is claim questions which are specific to the product of the claim. See
“Claimant” section
This is the fixed section to capture the claimant information. You can enter claimant information manually or copy from Policyholder or select from recipient list.