Claim Bordereaux

Claim Bordereaux


Claim Bordereaux contains a detailed list of claims and claims expenses outstanding and paid by the insured during the reporting period, reflecting the amount of insurance indemnity applicable thereto.

Seamless provides claim bordereaux following Lloyd's standard.

There are 2 sections:

  1. First section contains information visualized by charts.

  2. Second section contains the detailed data table.



Claim bordereaux report feature must be turned on and you need permission to see the claim report. See Claim Permissions

Report details

Reporting filter

  1. Reporting year

  2. Reporting month

  3. Products

  4. Organization

Visualized information

  1. Number of claims

  2. Total paid compared with total outstanding reserve.

  3. Number of claims by month

  4. Top 10 products that have the most number of claims

  5. Top 10 customers with the most number of claims

  6. Geographic region where most of claims happened.

Data table

  1. Coverholder Name

  2. Agreement No

  3. Unique Market Reference (UMR)

  4. Binding authority or coverholder appointment agreement inception date

  5. Binding authority or coverholder appointment agreement expiry date

  6. Class of Business

  7. Original Currency

  8. Settlement Currency

  9. Product

  10. Certificate Reference

  11. Claim Reference / Number

  12. Insured Full Name or Company Name

  13. Insured Country

  14. Loss Description

  15. Date Claim First Advised/Date Claim Made

  16. Claim Status

  17. Claimant Name

  18. Type of Insurance (Direct, or Type of RI)

  19. Location of loss Address

  20. Date Claim Opened

  21. Claim First Notification Acknowledgement Date

  22. Date First Reserve Established

  23. Date of Loss

  24. Paid this month - Indemnity

  25. Paid this month - Fees

  26. Previously Paid - Indemnity

  27. Previously Paid - Fees

  28. Reserve - Indemnity

  29. Reserve - Fees

  30. Total Incurred - Indemnity

  31. Total Incurred - Fees

The content of Claim Bordereaux report might vary based on your business requirements.

If you would like to request an article, drop us a mail at seamless.support@seamless.insure

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