Covers tab

Covers tab

I. Introduction

The Covers tab gives you the ability to manage all the covers of a product, as well as update or add a cover. There are 2 menus on the screen: the left-side menu shows all the covers and the right-side menu shows the selected cover details.

II. List of covers





View all

You can view all covers in your product in the left-hand menu

Clone a cover

You can clone the cover to a new cover. Clone means you create another new cover with exactly the same with your selected cover

Remove a cover

You can remove the cover of your product. Please note that you can't revert after removing the cover

Add a new cover

You can enter your cover name and click Add to add a new cover

III. Cover details

1. Cover information





Cover Name

Name of the cover, and it must be unique comparing with other covers in your product

The Cover Name must exclude blank and special characters as %, *, etc.

Cover ID

The ID of the cover, must be numerical field

Display Name

Display name of the cover, and it must be unique comparing with other covers in your product

The display name will be displayed on Seamless


Description of your cover

Displaying Order


Industry Code


Reporting Code


When is this cover active?


The condition to select the cover in a policy.

  • Always: using for a must-have cover. This is a cover type that you always have when purchasing a policy

  • Yes/No question: using for the optional cover. When you select Yes on your quote then the cover will be selected

  • Custom condition: using for the optional cover. When the conditions are met then the cover will be selected automatically (You can set up multiple conditions)

    • For example: the single trip cover of Travel policy is selected automatically when the number of travel days is smaller than 100 days

2. Cover limit and deductible

a. Cover limit





Limit Type

  • Per claim event

  • Per insured period

Value Type

  • Fixed value - the predefined value of the cover.

    • For example, the insurance company always set the maximum sum insured of the cover as 10.000.000 and doesn’t depend on the cover sum insured

  • Input - getting the value from a question tag. The maximum sum insured of the cover is defined as the sum insured of the cover

Limit amount

The predefined limit SI, numerical field

Note! This field only shows when the value type = Fixed value

Source Question

The question that is defining the limit SI

Note! This field only shows when the value type = Input

Limit (Free Text)


b. Cover deductible





Deductible Type

  • Amount

  • % of damage

Deductible type = % of damage

Deductible % Question

A question to capture the deductible %

Minimum Deductible Amount Question

A question to capture the minimum deductible that can has in a cover

Maximum Deductible Amount Question

A question to capture the maximum deductible that can has in a cover

Deductible Time From Question

A question to capture the deductible time

Deductible type = Amount

Value Type

  • Fixed value - the predefined value of the cover.

    • For example, the insurance company always set the maximum deductible of cover as 10.000.000 and doesn’t depend on the cover deductible.

  • Input - getting the value from a question tag. The maximum deductible is defined in a cover

Limit amount

The predefined deductible, numerical field

Note! This field only shows when the value type = Fixed value

Source Question

The question that is defining the deductible

Note! This field only shows when the value type = Input

Limit (Free Text)



3. Cover tariff

1 cover can have one or multiple terms. The tariff of a cover is calculated as

Term 1 (Base premium factor x selected questions factor) + Term 2 + Term 3 + ... Term n






A term is a combination of all factors, and a cover tariff is a combination of all terms. A cover must have at least one term, you can add a new term

You can also remove an unused term

Base Premium Factor

The base premium factor, it will be defined either in Alpha sheet or Beta sheet in the lookup. Lookup tab

Selected Questions

The factor of a question, you can choose one or multiple questions (up to 10 questions per term) to multiply with the base premium factor.

4. Cover tax

Your tax can include or exclude a tax. One cover can apply one tax only





Does The Cover Applies Tax?

Yes or No

How To Calculate Your Tax?

There are 4 options for you to calculate your tax

  • Calculate rate with premium: (rate applied to premium) the tax is calculated with the tax rate * policy premium

  • Calculate rate with question value: (rate applied to question value) The tax will be calculated as lookup value * question value

  • Get tax from global lookup: (amount from global lookup) the tax value will be got from the global lookup

  • Get tax from product lookup: (amount from lookup) the tax value will be got from the product lookup

Tax Name

Name of your tax

Lookup Name

  • Calculate rate with premium: the dropdown list of product lookups, you can choose one lookup only

  • Calculate rate with question value: the dropdown list of product lookups, you can choose one lookup only

  • Get tax from global lookup: you will input the name of the global lookup in this field. Mostly our team will set up this kind of tax for you

  • Calculate rate with question value: the dropdown list of product lookups, you can choose one lookup only

Key Question

This field won’t be displayed when your tax is calculated as Calculate rate with premium

  • Dropdown list of question in your product

Period Question

This field is only displayed when your tax is calculated as Get tax from global lookup. Seamless will base on the period to get the correct tax value

5. Proposed JSON

This JSON is generated from the information above that you have updated 

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