How does the product Lookup work?

How does the product Lookup work?

The system will:

  • Filter rows that have column “Value” = the lookup key AND:

    • The value of “From” >= Quote Start Date,

    • OR “From” is empty.

  • Ordering the resulting rows ascendingly

    • Notes: empty value is always at the end of the order list.

NOTES: The standard Date format for column “From” is dd/MM/yyyy

GIVEN we have the VehicleAge lookup as below.

WHEN the lookup key is 3, we will have the following rows satisfy the condition:

THEN we can have scenarios as below:

  • If Quote Start Date is from 14/03/2022 (14th March 2022) to 31/12/2022, the 1st row will be picked, and the factor value for VehicleAge should be 1.5 for all covers.

  • If Quote Start Date is from 01/01/2023, the 2nd row will be picked, and the factor value for VehicleAge should be 2 for all covers.

  • If Quote Start Date is before 14/03/2022, the 3rd row will be picked, and the factor value for VehicleAge should be 1 for all covers.

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