Case report
Cases are operational tasks that are customized on Seamless. Cases can be used for multi purposes. Example:
Customer Services Tasks
Claim Assessment Tasks
Sales Reporting Tasks
Case report will help you have a quick summary of all cases that are currently handling on Seamless.
Case Report
Case Report (mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy): the reporting period of extracted records
Last refreshed mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm: the last time data being refreshed to reflect on the report
Filter the report based on a set of supporting criteria:
From Date: period start date of the reporting being shown on the report
To Date: period end date of the reporting being shown on the report
Organization: filter policies belong to selected organizations
Graphs & Diagrams
Case Summary:
Number of Cases created Today: count total cases created Today
Number of Cases: count total cases created during the reporting period
Number of Cases overdue: count total cases that already passed the due date
Number of Cases no set Due Date: count total cases that Due Date is not set
Number of Cases Unassigned: count total cases that don’t have assignee
Embedded Filters:
Queue: filter results based on selected Queues (Customer Service Queue, Claim Assessment Queue, Finance Task Queue, etc)
Year: filter results by selected years
Month: filter result by selected months
Number of cases per each queue:
Nb Cases assigned: count assigned cases of that queue
Nb Cases unassigned: count unassigned cases of that queue
Number of cases by status
Assignee’s Progress: count cases under an assigned
Nb Cases: total cases an assignee is handling
Nb completed: total cases completed
Nb Cases overdue: total cases overdue
Detailed Information: raw data set used for above graphs & diagrams
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