Plugin Integrations

Plugin Integrations

Table of Contents



This Module Configuration is to configure integration endpoints with various 3rd-party services, such as Credit Safe, Bisnode, Verified…


Permission required: View module configuration and Update module configuration.

Data registries


This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various Data Registry services in order to retrieve customer data, including credit check.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. Credit Safe

  2. Bisnode

  3. Alandia

Credit Safe

There are 2 options on the Credit Safe tab: CL and PL





Toogle button

Turn on or off the integration.

When the button is turned on, Seamless will log into the 3rd party system with the entered credential.


The username of the account to log in the 3rd party endpoint


The password of the account to log in the 3rd party endpoint

The password will be displayed as dot when you enter, and will not displayed again after you Save or Turn on the integration


The endpoint URL to the 3rd party system

Block mapping fields

Define whether the mapping fields from the 3rd party is blocked from editing, or allow all users to edit

Save button

Save the credential

Note! When you save the password, the system only save it instead of


This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various E-signature services in order to provide electronic signing for documents.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. Verified


This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various Accounting services in order to send data to accounting systems.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. ECIT

  2. 247Office

Customer Assessment

This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various Customer assessment services in order to get customer scoring.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. Redpill

Currency exchange

This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various Exchange Rate services in order to get exchange rate for foreign currencies.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. OpenExchange


This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various Captcha services in order to verify if the action user is a human or not before proceeding an action.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. Recaptcha

User behavior tracking

This tab is to configure integration endpoint with various Use Behavior Tracking services in order to allow 3rd-party analytics service to collect user behavior information from Seamless portals.

Currently, we support the following integrations:

  1. Google Analytics: see Configure Google Analytics for details.


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