


Entity is a customized object created to record additional information required for your operations.

Samples of Entities:


In order to work with Entities, you will need below permissions:

  • View entities

  • Create entities

  • Update entities

  • Delete entities


Entities can only be configured by our support team. Please contact us when you need to create a new entity on Seamless

After an Entity is configured properly you will be able to find it under Entity Menu.

Create an Entity Record

  • To create an Entity Record you will need to access that Entity List (in example it is an Inspections)

  • On Record List of that Entity, click on New Record button

Note: The record list is a configurable table to show desired information related to your Entity

  • System will open create new entity record popup.

Note: Create New Record popup is also configurable to record required information for your Entity. In example, it is information of an inspection.

  • Fill in required information and click save.

Update an Entity Record

  • To update an Entity record, just click on the edit button on Record List

  • System will open Record Update screen

Note: Record Update screen is also a configurable screen to record required information for your Entity. In the example, it is information of an inspection.

  • Update the specific record and click Save.

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