Entity is a customized object created to record additional information required for your operations.
Samples of Entities:
In order to work with Entities, you will need below permissions:
View entities
Create entities
Update entities
Delete entities
Entities can only be configured by our support team. Please contact us when you need to create a new entity on Seamless
After an Entity is configured properly you will be able to find it under Entity Menu.
Create an Entity Record
To create an Entity Record you will need to access that Entity List (in example it is an Inspections)
On Record List of that Entity, click on New Record button
Note: The record list is a configurable table to show desired information related to your Entity
System will open create new entity record popup.
Note: Create New Record popup is also configurable to record required information for your Entity. In example, it is information of an inspection.
Fill in required information and click save.
Update an Entity Record
To update an Entity record, just click on the edit button on Record List
System will open Record Update screen
Note: Record Update screen is also a configurable screen to record required information for your Entity. In the example, it is information of an inspection.
Update the specific record and click Save.
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