Create Workflow
You need to have the “Create workflows” permission to perform this action.
See more: Workflow Permissions
Clicking on the + Create button in the Workflow List will open a Workflow popup with some basic information you can enter for the new workflow.
You need to go through these steps to create a workflow:
( * ) - Required field
Name * - Enter a name for the workflow. This field is necessary for the workflow name to be shown in the Workflow list and can be easily found using the search box.
Type * - You must select a type for the workflow, and once this workflow is created, its type cannot be altered. This field offers 3 options for the workflow type:
Case management - The workflow with this type can be used when attached to a specific case.
To apply a workflow for a case, you need to use these workflows with this type when you create a Case type. You can see more an example of a workflow applied in the claim case here: Claim Workflow
This type allows you to manually define a workflow according to case by case.
You can create a workflow with steps and include forms that you created.
Automatic - An automated workflow enables the system to execute certain tasks automatically in response to an event trigger.
A workflow in automatic type will automatically triggered by an event in the system.
FNOL - FNOL, or First Notice of Loss, is a specialized case type in insurance designed for the initial reporting of a loss. This type is specific for claims management, ensuring that you can take some prompt action or notification when a loss occurs. Therefore, the system provides a separate type so that you can create a suitable workflow for initial processing.
This type defines the workflow that can attach to an FNOL ( First notice of loss).
You can use these workflows with this type when you create an FNOL case. See more: and Configure FNOL Workflow
Activate Workflow - When we create a new workflow, this switch is off because to activate the workflow you need approval from Contemi. See more: Activate / Deactivate Workflow
Effective Start Date - This field will disabled when creating the new workflow because the date that a workflow starts effective depends on whether the workflow is approved or not. See more: Activate / Deactivate Workflow
Effective End Date / No End Date: The workflow is set to default to N/A (Not Applicable) - The workflow will run indefinitely until explicitly deactivated.
Business Record Type - If you want to use the information of an entity in the workflow, you have to specify Business Record Type. This field cannot be changed once this workflow is created.
The options of Entity that you can select:
Call log
When you define the diagram you can use information about the selected entity in the Business Record Type field.
Description: Provide a description of the workflow.
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