

1. Introduction

Product Settings - The binders tab allows you to manage the list of binders that are used in the MGA (Managing General Agent) business.

a. Before you begin

In order to access carrier settings, users should have “Manage product settings” permission and go to the cogwheel on the right side, choose the menu “Product settings”, then select tab BINDERS.

2. Binders

a.Actions on Binders






Clicking this button opens the Edit popup for a particular record. Users can make amendments to any field.


Clicking this button to trigger the record deletion. Once confirmed, the record is deleted.

b.Create a new Binder

To create a new binder, you need to provide the following binder information:





Turn on multiple layers

Turn on/ off the layers of the product premium. See https://contemi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHC/pages/1999175681/Binders#Define-Layers

Unique Market Reference

The unique reference allocated to the binding authority contract by the Lloyd’s market. Must be provided and unique.

From Date

To Date

Effective date of the binder.

Display as dd/mm/yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy


  • Select Carrier

  • Carrier Name

  • Carrier Address

  • Carrier Postcode

  • Carrier City

Capturing the insurer’s: name, address, postcode, and city.

If users select an existing carrier, the fields are auto-prefilled with the carrier’s information which has been setup in the Carrier list (See Carriers). Users can edit the information and it’s only reflected in the Binder list, the original carrier isn’t affected.

The “Select carrier” function is optional. Users can input their own set of carrier info. The input doesn’t create any new records in the Carrier list.

Line of Business

Dropdown list incl. all predefined items, e.g. Motor/Property/Personal Accident.

Section No.

The number of the section from the binding authority contract that authorizes this class of business to be written.

Commission (%)

Capturing the maximum commission percentage that the cover holder can receive as stated in the agreement.

Broker Commission (%)

Capturing commission percentage that is being deducted for brokerage.

3. Define Layers

a. Layers of binders definition

For some specific products, the sum insured must be split into different layers. Each layer can have different commissions and carriers. After turning on the layers, the binder fields will be different

The new form is opened when you add a new layer to the binder. You can add up to 5 layers per binder.






  • Select Carrier

  • Carrier Name

  • Carrier Address

  • Carrier Postcode

  • Carrier City

Capturing the insurer’s: name, address, postcode, and city.

If users select an existing carrier, the fields are auto-prefilled with the carrier’s information which has been setup in the Carrier list. Users can edit the information and it’s only reflected in the Binder list, the original carrier isn’t affected.

The “Select carrier” function is optional. Users can input their own set of carrier info. The input doesn’t create any new records in the Carrier list.

Commission (%)

Capturing the maximum commission percentage that the cover holder can receive as stated in the agreement.

Limit to (amount)

The maximum sum insured one layer can contain. If the product sum insured is larger than the limitation of the layer, then the exceed will be contained in the next layer.

b. Add a new layer

  1. Open the Product Settings page

  2. Create a new binder or Edit a current binder

  3. Turn on the option multiple layers as in the image below

  4. Click on the + button on the Layer section

  5. Fill in all the fields in the form. You can choose the current carriers on the Select Carrier field, or fill in new carrier information on all the fields. You can also select multiple carriers for per layer

    1. Note! The limit to value must be different than the current layers' value.

  6. After finishing the form, click on the Save button the create your new layer

c. Edit a layer

  1. Open the Product Settings page

  2. Create a new binder or Edit a current binder

  3. Click on the edit (pencil) button on the layer that you want to change. Note! The limit to value must be different than the current layers' value.

  4. Change the information on the form

  5. After finishing the form, click on the Save button the update your layer

d. Remove a new layer

  1. Open the Product Settings page

  2. Create a new binder or Edit a current binder

  3. Click on the remove button on the layer that you want to remove

  4. Click on the Yes button to confirm your action

  5. Remove the layer successfully

4. Related Topics

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